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Aloha and Welcome to King's Chapel  Kauai, Assembly of God.  We are affiliated with King's Cathedral Assembly of God in Kahului, Maui.
King's Chapel meets in two locations, one on the westside in Ele'ele, next to Ace Hardware, and on the eastside at Kauai Lagoons, Lihue. Come and fellowship with us. Services and times are listed below:

8:30am at Elee'ele (next to Ace Hardware)
10:30am at Kaua'i Lagoons, Lihue (Marriott entrance)
6:00pm at Kaua'i Lagoons, Lihue
7:00pm at Ele'ele extension
Sonshine Company- Sunday school and toddler care
provided at all services.

Subscribe to King's Chapel Kauai

Jesus - The King of Glory!!

King's Chapel, First Assembly of God, Ele'ele
Ele'ele Shopping Center - 335-6845
King's Chapel, First Assembly of God, Kauai Lagoons
Kauai Lagoons, Lihue- 246-3742

Aloha! Jesus Loves You!!

created by KCK Communications Center & the WebDisciple
updated 7/28/02