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Dr. James Marocco, Senior Pastor
First Assembly King's Cathedral, Kahului, Maui
Pastor Phil Marocco, Associate Pastor
King's Chapel Kauai, First Assembly

Dr. James Marocco

About Dr. Marocco

Dr. Marocco's Message

The Bible states, "...in your presence is fullness of joy..." (Ps 16:11). True joy is what we all yearn for and it is found only in a genuine relationship with God through His son Jesus Christ.  First Assembly is where you can experience God's presence  and joy.  His joy radiates throughout our worship times, is seen on the faces of the people who attend and is expressed as each one serves others.
But not only is First Assembly of God a place of joy, it is a place of freedom. The Bible states that the anointing, God's presence, breaks the yoke of bondage (Is 10:27). Jesus died on the cross and rose again so we could be free from sin and that which binds us. First Assembly is a place where God's power is displayed to, "heal the broken hearted, set at liberty those that are bound. " (IS 61:1). It is a place where you can become whole.
Yes, First Assembly of God is a unique church. It is a joyous place, full of God's love and grounded in God's truth, the Bible. So, if you are serious about knowing God and experiencing His presence, why not consider making First Assembly your spiritual home.  Because we know you are busy, church services and small group meetings are offered at various times throughout the week. There are also numerous opportunities for each member of your family, no matter what age, from children to senior citizens, to be served by special programs geared just for them.
First Assembly of God is a church for you and your whole family, so come and experience God's presence with us!

Pastor Phil Marocco

About Pastor Phil

We'll be adding a message by Pastor Phil shortly. The website site is still under construction an we are experiencing technical difficulties.
Please check back at a later date...
Thank You
KCK Communication Center


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King's Chapel, Assmbly of God,  Ele'ele
Ele'ele Shopping Center - 335-6845
King's Chapel, Assembly of God,  Lihu'e
Kaua'i Lagoons - 246-3742
P.O. Box 192
Ele'ele, Hi  96705